Black Ops 6 Adds Challenge Tracking, XP Boosts, and Free Skin Changes

Black Ops 6 introduces challenge progress tracking, XP boosts, and changes to free skins, aiming to improve player experience and motivation in multiplayer, Zombies, and Warzone.

In Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 (BO6), players have long struggled with tracking their mastery camo challenge progress, especially in multiplayer, Zombies, and Warzone. U4gm provides the buy cod bo6 bot lobby as a shortcut for players to tackle challenges, and it is legitimate and secure. Use coupon code "allen" to get 5% off at U4gm. Without clear in-game indicators, it’s easy to lose track of eliminations or objectives for various challenges. However, Treyarch has confirmed that a much-needed legacy feature from previous titles is on the way.

After three months since launch, dedicated players are likely deep into their hunt for mastery camos, but for many, the journey is far from over. With over 40 weapons and unique challenges across different game modes, keeping track of progress can be overwhelming. To alleviate this, Treyarch is adding a feature that will allow players to track their challenge progress directly in the game’s UI, similar to how it worked in MWIII. This means players will be able to check their progress mid-game, such as tracking the number of headshots needed for the AMES 85.

While Treyarch hasn’t provided a specific timeline for the update, it is expected to coincide with the launch of Season 2 on January 28, 2025. Some players have voiced frustration about the delay, with one commenting that by the time the feature is implemented, they’ll likely be done with Nebula, the latest in-game content. Others have questioned why the feature wasn’t available at launch, given that BO6 uses the same app and engine as MWIII. Treyarch’s explanation that the multiplayer UI was redone and the features didn’t carry over from MW3 did little to calm the frustration.

Alongside the feature update, players are also getting some relief in terms of leveling up weapons. Since the launch of BO6, the only way to level up weapons has been through kills, making the process more challenging than in previous titles where kills and in-game objectives contributed to weapon XP. To address this, Activision has increased XP gain through multiple updates, added Double XP events, and even allowed players to use Double XP tokens from MW2 and MW3.

However, the Double XP event in November didn’t work as expected, with players reporting that they didn’t earn the expected amount of XP from matches. Despite this, players are generally happy with the free XP tokens and prefer them over free weapon skins. A BO6 player shared on Reddit that previous free bundles offered cool items, but the community overwhelmingly prefers free XP tokens for leveling up faster.

The return of the classic prestige system in BO6 has also contributed to this preference, as players are now more motivated to progress. In previous Call of Duty titles, a seasonal prestige system limited the amount of progression possible, making players feel less incentivized. But with the classic prestige system, where each prestige unlocks different rewards, the community is more than happy to take free XP tokens over cosmetic items they may never use.

As BO6 continues to evolve, players can expect more updates to enhance the overall experience, including improvements to challenge tracking, XP progression, and free rewards that help boost their level and weapon upgrades.

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