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Many clients opt for sentimental personalizations such as hidden burnished birthstones or unique engravings.Clearly, custom is the way to go. Even our own senior beauty editor, Jamie Schneider, got in on the fun. Her stunning toi et moi ring from the New York classic Greenwich St. It the only lotion Ive ever seen an immediate difference after putting it on. It immediately smooths and firms your skin. Plus, my skin stays moisturized all day and night, which doesnt often happen for me. Basically, catching a case of the winter blues in the wardrobe department is as inevitable as an oncoming cold front. However, not all hope is lost! There are a few ways to combat the mid winter dressing slump, starting with your sweaters.Hear us out: knitwear is the most significant part of any winter wardrobe on a functional level but also for fashion purposes. How you style this staple can either make you want to slump back into bed or can help you shake off any gloom swiftly. Green coffee bean swoops in to offer antioxidant properties that improve overall skin health.Key ingredients: Green coffee beanSize: 6 fl. oz.Amazon rating: 4.4 5 starsAn Amazon reviewer said: I am a repeat customer of this lotion, and I really like it! I have been using it for over a year now. This lotion has a nice minty scent. In the very beginning, we realized that there was this untapped niche. Men werent really considered for styling as much as women were. Weve had a lot of fun growing with menswear because when we first started, it was a gray suit, a black suit, or a navy suit.Out of the countless looks that you have put together over the years, what are some of your personal standoutsWF: The thing that keeps standing out to me is when David Oyelowo walked the red carpet at the Oscars in a red three piece tuxedo. We Summer in Ibiza These 5 Vacation Trends Never Go Out Ibiza has been one of the top destinations for fashion people since I entered the industry. I havent made it to the Spanish island yet but Ive always been super curious about what the elite vacation goers wear during their time in Ibiza. The weather is perfect for every summer trend on my list. 6 Items to Buy for Your Spring Work Wardrobe I used to spend 90 of the time between silencing my alarm and exiting my apartment each weekday buried in my closet trying to put together a stylish outfit. Frankly, I was sick of spending precious morning minutes on Dior Handbags my look when I could be spending them on my breakfast I should not operate heavy machinery before coffee.After carefully observing my best dressed co workers and taking note of my most frequently worn outfits, I realized there are six key pieces that make getting dressed each day for work ridiculously easy. I also realized that buying these pieces at Veronica Beard meant I could wear them on the weekends too.Not yet familiar with the brand Veronica Beard makes the chicest, statement making pieces that perfectly walk the line between polished and cool aka the makings of an ultra versatile wardrobe.

Bailey Newton

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