Top 10 PUBG SMGs to Dominate Close-Range Fights Like a Pro

Unleash relentless firepower with PUBG's SMGs, the ultimate choice for dominating close-range combat and shredding enemies in tight, high-pressure situations.

In PUBG, close-range combat is where reflexes, positioning, and weapon choice become critical. The right combination of weapons can easily turn the tide in your favor when you're caught in tight spaces like buildings, compounds, or urban areas. It’s not just about aim; the weapon you hold defines how quickly you can eliminate an enemy. That’s why submachine guns (SMGs) excel in these situations. SMGs, known for their high fire rate, low recoil, and fast handling, are the go-to choice when the combat distance shrinks.

One key reason to prioritize SMGs in close-range combat is their sheer mobility and firing speed. When the distance between you and your opponent is reduced to mere meters, the slightest delay in aiming or shooting can be fatal. SMGs ensure that you can move swiftly while keeping steady aim, which becomes a massive advantage. Coupled with attachments that enhance accuracy and reduce recoil, they become deadly tools for eliminating enemies before they have a chance to react. 

10 Deadly PUBG SMGs for Close-Range Combat
Vector The Vector is a beast in close-range situations, especially with its rapid-fire rate. Although it starts with a limited magazine size, once extended, it can shred enemies before they have a chance to retaliate. Use the Vector with an extended mag and a compensator to balance its vertical recoil and maximize damage.

UMP45 The UMP45 is one of the most versatile SMGs in PUBG. While it has a slower fire rate compared to others, its balance of damage, range, and low recoil makes it highly reliable. It is great for players who need consistency and control in their shots while still packing a punch in tight engagements.

MP5K Exclusive to Vikendi, the MP5K offers excellent recoil control and is a reliable choice in close-quarter combat. It handles well even without attachments, and with a red dot and compensator, it becomes a stable and deadly weapon at close range.

PP-19 Bizon Known for its massive 53-round magazine, the Bizon is perfect for prolonged engagements without the need to reload. While its damage per shot is lower than other SMGs, the large magazine size more than makes up for it, allowing you to suppress enemies or spray through doorways and corners.

Tommy Gun Often overlooked, the Tommy Gun has seen significant improvements with the addition of a red dot sight attachment. Its heavy damage output and lack of recoil make it a solid choice for players who favor power over precision, especially in small spaces.

Micro Uzi The Micro Uzi has the highest fire rate of all SMGs, making it lethal in point-blank combat. Pair it with a stock and compensator, and it becomes one of the most controllable close-range guns in PUBG. This weapon excels in situations where you need to quickly down an opponent in confined areas like buildings.

P90 (Arena Mode Exclusive) The P90 is an SMG exclusive to Arena mode, and it stands out for its high magazine capacity and deadly fire rate. It’s perfect for close-range brawls where you need sustained fire without the need for frequent reloads. The P90 is unmatched in terms of fast-paced, high-pressure fights.

MP7 (Arena Mode) Another Arena mode exclusive, the MP7’s high rate of fire and low recoil make it a top contender for close-range firefights. While you can only use it in Arena, it’s an ideal weapon for fast engagements in confined spaces.

QBZ-95 Though more of a hybrid between an SMG and a rifle, the QBZ-95 shines in close quarters due to its balanced handling and decent fire rate. It performs well in close-range combat while also maintaining effectiveness at slightly longer ranges.

Kedr (Vikendi Exclusive) The Kedr, available in Vikendi, boasts a fast rate of fire and low recoil, making it lethal in close-range combat. Paired with a suppressor and extended mag, this SMG allows for stealthy yet aggressive play, ideal for players who prefer to take out enemies swiftly without drawing too much attention.

Why SMG Combos Matter
Choosing the right SMG and combining it with the best attachments, like an extended mag or compensator, increases your chances of survival in close-quarter fights. A quick draw speed and high rate of fire matter the most when you’re ambushed or when you need to clear a room quickly. In these situations, assault rifles might not be fast enough, but SMGs excel due to their rapid firing capabilities and superior mobility.

Many top players recommend combining an SMG with a long-range weapon, such as a sniper or DMR, so you can cover all engagement distances. The SMG gives you the edge in tight areas, while the long-range option ensures you’re not outgunned in open spaces. This versatility is key in PUBG, where combat scenarios constantly shift.

When engaging in melee combat in PUBG, mastering the use of SMGs can be the difference between life and death. Close-quarters battles are chaotic, and SMGs give you the edge due to their rapid-fire rate, quick handling, and low recoil. However, just picking an SMG isn't enough—you need to understand how to use them effectively and be aware of certain precautions that can ensure victory.

Tips for Using SMGs in Melee Combat
Pre-fire Around Corners When you're about to turn a corner or enter a building, always have your SMG aimed and ready. In close-range fights, reaction time matters more than precision, and pre-firing can catch your opponent off guard before they can even react. SMGs like the Vector or Micro Uzi excel in such scenarios due to their insane fire rate.

Hip Fire Over ADS (Aim Down Sights) In tight spaces, aiming down sights can slow you down, and every millisecond counts. SMGs have excellent hip-fire accuracy, so don’t hesitate to engage without aiming down sights when enemies are within a few meters. Moving while hip-firing helps you dodge incoming shots while maintaining fire on your opponent.

Equip an Extended Mag Most SMGs have limited magazine capacity, and in close-range firefights, running out of ammo mid-fight is a death sentence. The Vector, for instance, only holds 19 bullets by default, which can be quickly depleted in a fast exchange. Always equip an extended mag to ensure you have enough bullets to down multiple enemies without needing to reload.

Use Movement to Your Advantage One of the greatest strengths of SMGs is their mobility. Take advantage of this by strafing, jumping, and crouching during engagements. Moving erratically while shooting reduces the chances of your enemy landing precise shots while you continue to deal consistent damage with your SMG.

Control Your Recoil Although SMGs generally have low recoil, controlling it effectively can make a huge difference, especially during longer bursts. Attachments like compensators and grips help, but don’t rely solely on them. Learn the recoil pattern of your chosen SMG and practice pulling your aim down slightly as you fire. The more familiar you are with the weapon’s handling, the more deadly you’ll become in close-range skirmishes.

Quick Reloading Close-range fights are fast and intense, and running out of ammo can happen frequently. Always make sure to reload immediately after engagements. With an extended mag, your reload timing becomes critical. Weapons like the UMP45 take longer to reload compared to others, so duck behind cover or pre-emptively reload whenever you have a safe moment.

Listen for Footsteps In PUBG, sound cues are crucial in close-range combat. Use headphones to hear footsteps approaching. SMGs are at their best when you can predict where the enemy is coming from. Position yourself strategically around doorways or windows, ready to unleash a barrage of shots before the enemy even spots you.

Precautions When Using SMGs
SMGs Are Short-Ranged—Know Your Limits SMGs lose effectiveness quickly as distance increases. Don’t engage enemies at mid to long-range with an SMG unless you have no other choice. The drop-off in damage and bullet velocity makes SMGs weak beyond close quarters, so if you’re caught in open terrain, find cover or switch to a long-range weapon like an assault rifle or DMR.

Ammo Management SMGs consume ammunition rapidly due to their high fire rates. Be mindful of how much ammo you're carrying, and don’t hesitate to loot more if necessary. Running out of bullets in a prolonged engagement can leave you vulnerable, so always ensure you’re stocked up, especially with weapons like the Vector or Uzi that burn through rounds quickly.

Avoid Unnecessary Aiming Down Sights As mentioned earlier, in close-range fights, aiming down sights can be slower and less effective than hip firing. Only ADS if you’re engaging a target at the edge of your SMG's range. Otherwise, hip fire is quicker and usually just as accurate.

Pick the Right Attachments SMGs can be devastating with the right attachments. Equip an extended mag, compensator, and vertical grip to maximize their effectiveness in close-range engagements. Without these attachments, especially the extended mag, you’re putting yourself at a disadvantage when engaging multiple enemies.

PUBG-G-Coins: What They Are and How to Use Them
Now that you understand how to dominate close-range combat, let’s shift gears to PUBG-G-Coins, the in-game currency that powers your cosmetic choices. G-Coins are PUBG’s premium currency, allowing you to purchase exclusive skins, outfits, weapon cosmetics, and other customizations.

What Are PUBG-G-Coins?
PUBG-G-Coins are the virtual currency used in PUBG to buy a range of cosmetic items. Unlike BP (Battle Points), which are earned through gameplay, G-Coins must be purchased with real money. Once bought, you can use them to unlock premium crates, and skins, and even buy event passes that offer even more exclusive content.

How to Use PUBG-G-Coins Wisely
Prioritize Skins for Your Favorite Weapons Customizing your favorite weapons with exclusive skins adds a personal flair to your game. Rather than spreading your G-Coins across multiple skins, invest them in high-quality skins for the weapons you use most frequently. If you’re always rocking an M416 or AKM, focus on unlocking those skins first.

Event Passes PUBG frequently releases event passes tied to new seasons. Buying these passes with G-Coins is a good investment since they allow you to earn additional rewards, including exclusive outfits, BP bonuses, and more. Event passes offer more value than a single skin because they include multiple rewards.

Don’t Buy Crates Blindly Crates in PUBG are a gamble, and spending G-Coins on crates can be risky if you’re hunting for a specific item. Instead, wait for direct sales in the shop where you can buy the exact cosmetic or outfit you want. This prevents wasting G-Coins on random rolls where you might not get the item you're looking for.

Wait for Sales and Limited-Time Offers PUBG frequently runs limited-time sales and bundles. Be patient and wait for these discounts to get the best bang for your buck. You can save G-Coins for when your favorite skins or outfits are discounted, ensuring you get more items for less. Due to its multiple uses in the game, some players will choose to buy pubg g coins at mmowow.

Mastering SMGs in melee combat is all about maximizing their strengths and minimizing their weaknesses. By focusing on mobility, recoil control, and smart ammo management, SMGs will dominate any close-range battle. Meanwhile, using PUBG-G-Coins wisely means focusing on items that truly enhance your gaming experience, whether it's through weapon skins or event passes.

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