Questing is an important activity in OSRS and

He is willing to listen to the tales of certain adventures you've completed. In return, he will provide you with old lamps that give you an experience in the skill that you wish to master

This Dig Site area is located in the southern portion of the first floor of the Varrock Museum. Speak to an archaeologist to begin the dig.

You'll need boots and gloves made of leather and carry a OSRS gold trowel, rock pick as well as a specimen brush. After you have all the gear for the task, you can take remains that are not cleaned from the specimen rocks near Sinco Doar, the archaeologist. Sinco Doar.

Clean up the found objects by placing them on the table. Maximum amount Kudos you can earn through this method is 50.

Quests to Kudos

Questing is an important activity in OSRS and should not be ignored in the process of collecting Kudos. The historian Seth Minas, located on the second floor of the Varrock Museum, is interested in the past of Gielinor.

He is willing to listen to the tales of certain adventures you've completed. In return, he will provide you with old lamps that give you an experience in the skill that you wish to master.

The three steps you complete can earn you an additional 153 Kudos The highest amount you can earn prior to the release on Fossil Island. The maximum currently available on the date of this article is 215 Kudos which means you could get the additional 72 Kudos from Fossil Island by completing fossil exhibits.

Need expert help in questing? Explore the OSRS Quests Services and look into the OSRS Optimal quest guide.

Bone Voyage

Bone Voyage is a members-only quest that is unlocked when you have collected 100 Kudos from Varrock Museum. The quest can be started by speaking with curator Haig Halen. Other requirements for the quest: sailing up to Great Kourend at least once after completing The Dig Site quest.

If you're not an active member, we offer low-cost RuneScape memberships available to buy from us directly.

Bone Voyage quest unlocks access to Fossil Island, and further OSRS gold-making methods.

Fossil Exhibits

Fossil Island is an unexplored paradise and an ideal destination for any archaeologist, historian or paleontologist.

To get more Kudos at The Varrock Museum you can collect different fossils in this intriguing site. The fossils are placed in appropriate display on the paleontology floor. It is accessible via steps located on the natural historical floor.

The exhibits are divided into small medium, large and the plant. For the first time, you can aid Peter at Museum Camp. Museum Camp build all utilities and you'll earn five fossils.

With all the different categories of fossils, it could be a bit overwhelming, but the process is actually very simple to have the spine, ribs, limbs the pelvis, skull, and ribs in the same dimensions to display on animals, and an assortment of fossilized roots, stumps leaf, branch and a the mushroom to display plants.

The large displays are packed with components that, when finished will reveal the massive Leviathan.

Kudos Rewards

Alongside other rewards Apart from other benefits, collecting Kudos gives you these benefits:

100 Kudos Access to Fossil Island

150 Kudos Zugang to Volcanic Mine

150 Kudos The access point is the Workman's gate that opens directly to the Digsite. This is a Buy RS gold requirement to use The Hard Varrock journal.

Talk to the clerk of information and get:

51+ Kudos: 1000 XP in Mining

100+ Kudos 2.500 ExP gained in crafting and Mining

150+ Kudos 4.000 Credits in Hunter, Crafting Slayer, Prayer and Smithing

Happy digging! we hope you can discover everything RuneScape is hiding from the rest of the world! Did you dig too deep and ended up in with a gold vein?

Sell OSRS gold, make real cash, and then celebrate with pizza!

If you need help on your RuneScape journey, don't hesitate for us to connect to our Discord server and stand an opportunity to win our contests.

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